Science Subjects Computer Science & IT Mathematics G.Science & Arts Accounting & Finance


ieBEST provides an interactive educational platform where students are engaged in different e-learning activities to make them comfortable with the topic being taught and the subject, so that they may take keen interest in the studies and show positive intent towards learning. Therefore, through our creative and interactive teaching methodology, we help students to understand better, learn more and perform well in exams.

At ieBEST, we use multiple sources to impart knowledge along with syllabus books and study material. We connect lesson contents with the practical scenarios and real-world examples so that students can understand it well. Moreover, to further increase the knowledge of students, we provide e-books, videos on different syllabus related topics, recorded lectures, discussion forums and live question and answer sessions with subject specialists.

Furthermore, to assess the performance of students, different types of assessment are being conducted at ieBEST on weekly basis i.e. online quizzes, tests, interviews, and assignments etc. Once the assessment has been made, the results are shared with the parents and online meetings are held to discuss about the progress of the student and also to take their input/feedback for any improvements at both ends, if required.